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Happy holidays and best wishes for the new year. Stay healthy!
Welcome to the Institute of Insurance Law

Welcome to the website of the Institute for Insurance Law “IVR” of the Law Faculty of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. The institute was founded on May 23, 2006 and is headed by directors Professor Looschelders and Professor Michael.

Its tasks are to represent private insurance law in research and teaching and to promote and deepen the exchange between science and practice in these areas. The institute is supported by the Rhenish insurance industry and the Dr. Paul-Otto Faßbender Foundation for Education and Science, enabling a considerable expansion of the institute´s activities.


The Institute is widely known for hosting three events:

Insurance Law Forum

The institute organizes the lecture series "Insurance Law Forum", which takes place four times a year. The presentations take particular account of the current interests of insurance practice.

Düsseldorf Day of Insurance Law

Since 2008, the „Düsseldorf Day of Insurance Law” is held once a year. This event, traditionally commenced with the “Düsseldorf Evening”, focuses particularly on insurance supervisory law as well as insurance contract law.

Düsseldorf Traffic Law Forum

In cooperation with the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf, the institute organizes an annual conference on traffic law with a special focus on aspects of insurance law. The event takes place in the plenary hall of the court.

Each event can be attended free of charge. They are held online until further notice due to the pandemic.